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Privacy going 'down the drain' in Europe? Not if it's up to YOKdata!

Posted on Jul 3, 2020
Privacy going 'down the drain' in Europe? Not if it's up to YOKdata!

EU law enforcement officials join US critics in lobbying for law enforcement exception in GDPR.
Should the EU decide to grant access to private data because of 'law enforcement requirements' from either EU or US then our privacy is (ALMOST) gone!

I say ALMOST, because to prevent this from happening we developed YOKdata; a unique cloud data storage!

At YOKdata our main focus is on privacy and security. That's why we store your data encrypted with an encryption key given by you and only known to YOU. We don't store the key. We use it once to encrypt your files and you have to re-enter the key if you want to use the data again. By doing so we are able to guarantee that should anybody gain access to your data they will not be able to read it unless you give them the encryption key. 

That's privacy!And privacy is a human right, remember!